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Happy New Year to everyone. I start the year with some big news on an exciting project that I have just started. After years of thinking and dreaming about it, I have finally decided to get a performance/cruising catamaran to travel and use as a base of operations when I am racing overseas.

After researching everything on the market, I arrived at an Outremer 45. This company has found the perfect balance of incorporating the comforts needed for living, within a sexy performance oriented catamaran. So yes, you can have both, a fast and fun cat to sail, and a comfortable home to travel the world. And I believe more of my friends and clients will see this perfect solution and consider following my lead. Outremer has built a solid reputation of building ocean-going cats for over 20 years and their new line of cats take advantage of all they have learned, and then incorporates modern thinking and design to achieve a perfect cat. To see their range and learn more about Outremer, see their website at http://www.catamaran-outremer.com

So in addition to reporting on my professional sailing around the world, I will also be updating everyone on my new adventure with Outremer.

Best wishes for a great year ahead, peterimg_2560


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